1. The internet website automatically collects information through cookies files.
2. Cookies files are generally small files stored in the memory of the device from which User visits our website. They collect a variety of information – depending on their nature or content.
3. The entity that places cookies on the website and possess access to them is Data Controller:
Pure Biologics S.A. with the registered office in Wroclaw and the address: Duńska St. 11, 54-427 Wrocław (Poland), entered in the Registry of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Registry under the KRS number 0000712811, with the tax identification number (NIP) 8943003192 and statistical number (REGON) 021305772.
4. You are free to contact Data Controller in all aspects and matters regarding this Policy and personal data through the e-mail address: rodo@purebiologics.com
5. Cookies files may be used by Data Controller for the following purposes:
a. adaptation of the content of the website to preferences of User and optimizing the use of it. These files recognize User’s device and properly display the website;
b. creating statistics enabling personalization of the structure and content of the website;
c. improvement and development of the website.
6. The website uses two types of cookies files: “session” and “permanent”.
7. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored until logging out, leaving the website or turning off the web browser. Permanent cookies are stored for the time specified in the cookies files parameters.
8. Data Controller indicates that many web browsers allow cookies files to be stored by default. Website users may change their browser settings regarding cookies files.
9. User of the website should be able to set his/her browser in such a way that cookies do not save on his/her hard drive or are automatically deleted after certain time passed.
10. Data Controller indicates, however, that restrictions on the use of cookies files may affect some of the website’s functionalities.
11. More information on cookies files is available in the “Help” section in your browser’s menu.
12. We reserve the right to amend and supplement this Policy. All amendments shall be published on the website, in the tab: Cookies Policy, and each User is bound by its current version.